Towards Light

Further notes on Towards Light ( collaboration with Katherine Pogson and CHROMA ) - a music, art and lepidoptery project inspired by the urgent need to re-think the way humans relate to nature. This project explores the subject with a moths-eye view, to re-imagine the way we accompany our fellow creatures.

Covid-19 postponed the exhibitions at Lumen Gallery Bethnal Green and at the Urban Tree Festival. But these will happen later/in 2021. Ditto OmVed Gardens and the Fair Isle residency.

In a way it feels like this work offers even more meaning as folk come out of an extended period of isolation. Through lockdown there has been a growing appreciation of the healing value of connecting with nature, and with the creative. It feels like something new is emerging. The metamorphosis allegory of the chrysalis and emerging into new life resonates even more strongly.

A question that Katherine and I keep returning to - what is it that truly nourishes you?
And if we as a community are nourished, does that in itself slow down the relentless consumption of stuff? Does our focus shift ?

Reading my notebook again I pause for thought on the page with notes from Paul Saffo (via Katherine) about evolving economies - that each economic abundance has its corresponding scarcity. The former industrial economy’s scarcity was of things. The Consumer economy’s scarcity was of desire. We are now in the Creative economy and the scarcity is engagement.

This project - which looks at how we accompany, about the journey out of ourselves, making the attempt to inhabit the “other’s” point of view - seems very pertinent right now.

Work is in progress.



Contemplating lapis


The Moth Project